Wednesday, February 13, 2008

meet kristy...

she's silvia's partner in crime back in miami and came over to beijing for a visit, so silvia and i took her to shanghai for a few days. this was my second visit and silvia and kristy's first.

mister donut is the freaking best thing in the world! there are no donuts anywhere in beijing so this small chain eatery in shanghai was one of the highlights of the trip.

some silliness

au revior shanghai


FORMICA said...

dam.. that last pic is smoking.... IWATTOGOTOCHINA

about us said...

silvia's hair & everything here posted looks fantabulous!

Silvia Elena said...

I miss this girl :*(
Shanghai was the most amazing place, wasn't it?
It's hard to stay in one place, but it's just as hard to move. What to do, Ariel? what to do!!??