i remembered this picture i took of the famous flan of beijing. in front of it is a chocolate mousse that was equally delicious.
it's a bright, sunny day; but we're all wearing heavy sweaters, jackets, and scarves. two days ago was the prettiest day i've seen since i arrived in china but the temperature was in the low 50's by the early afternoon. the leaves on many trees are quickly turning yellow and the ivy and shrubs are changing to red and violet.
beijing is pretty much on the same logitude as new york city so the climate is pretty similar. the last 2 or 3 weeks have been like an apocalyptic miami winter with the city under a thick gray fog.
running korean girls in uniform. i don't know why but there they were, and it was coooooooold!
i've been riding the bus some with silvia. she's become quite the expert and the bus system here is pretty excellent though always crowded.
one day this week we met a cuban girl on the bus named indira who's here to study for 2 years. she made us laugh and realize just how much we miss cubans and specific things like croquetas, their accents, and their funny way with words.
ross spent the last two days sick, though now he's a whole lot better. that's the typical "i'm sick and i'm gonna die" face he does so well at those times.
those pictures are all so, very, good. my favorite one though is the last one of ross...it's great color about ross and your environment when one is ill or just feels bad. i love it!
i've been horribly busy with work and life...and, of course, many halloween preparations...!
I WAS going to die, or at least it felt like it for 1/2 an hour or so. Hope the sky is clear this weekend. So yeah, keep paintin'! <3
I love seeing the leaves turning color. I wish that happens in Miami too.
so is there any cuban restaurant in China? If not why don't you open one?
the leaves changing color is so neat! i've never actually seen the entire prcoess, and i thought it kinda happened over like two days. it's a slower process and different plants change at different times, speeds, and colors.
about the cuban restaurants, there's only one in the whole city that opened last summer. ross and i walked in one night not too long ago to see the menu but it was super not authentic. it was more spanish sounding than anything else. we can walk there easily so maybe we'll try it soon. there are however pretty cheap, decent mojitos all over the city :)
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