this is at the entrance to the hall of monks, these figures represent the four cardinal directions.
a short walk through the hall of monks. there are over 400 wood statues painted bronze representing different enlightened monks and mythical/historical figures
this was one of my favorite statues, it's of a monk who reached nirvana and is tearing away his flesh to reveal his inner buddha
artificial flowers as decoration or offerings maybe? they added color and helped make the statuary and deities stand in an even more fantastic and supernatural setting
this buddha is the centerpiece of the temples, the gold dome shape above the buddha is from the original 15th century structure. the rest of the building, including the buddha, are from the 18th century. the statue is probably 30 feet tall.
the buddha is surrounded by several life-size figures in a cave-like environment reaching up to a very ornate ceiling, artificial flowers, and little red tassles representing prayers made in the temple
a different, slightly smaller temple. those colored smoke or cloud shapes are my favorite and can be found all over these temples
香山和奥乐奥非常漂亮! (Both Fragrant Hills and Ariel are awesome!)
香山 is so amazing. It's one of the most beautiful places in Beijing. ross i love how you translate 非常漂亮 into awesome... i guess extremely beautiful can be awesome. what is awesome in chinese? from now on its feichangpiaoliang!
Hi Ariel-
Thanks for the image of the monk attaining nirvana- I really like that one too! Years ago I saw a Southeast Asian sculpture of a very pregnant woman. She had a snarling sort of mouth that expressed both pain and sensuality-an arresting image I've never forgotten.
-Scott (Ross's Father)
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