One snowy Sunday in January Ross, our close friend Chao (超) and I, all went to eat Cantonese dim sum at a new restaurant and to our surprise found a neat little temple right next door. Here is some history about the temple. In a nutshell, it is a Daoist temple founded in 1319 and rebuilt several times through the centuries. In the 20th century it served several secular and governmental functions until a few years ago when it was declared a national treasure and restored.

Below are plaster dioramas with people, mythological monsters , gods and spirits all intermingling; representing the 76 departments of the Daoist supernatural world. They are situated in 76 rooms surrounding the main courtyard. Among the different Departments are
"The Department of Individual Destiny", "The Department of Rewarding Good Conduct", "The Department of the Rain Gods", "The Department of Gods and Monsters", "The Department of Controlling Bullying and Cheating and Department of Suppressing Schemes", and my favorite "The Department of Urging" ... whatever that means.