this week has been the coldest since i got here. today at 1:00 a.m. it was -7 C !!! the day before yesterday we had the second snowfall of the winter and the first of 2008. i realize more and more how much i'm a creature of the caribbean and that snow and freezing temperatures are nice and all, but not something i think i'll ever learn to love as much as humidity and direct sunshine. anyway, winter will only last what's really a few more weeks. by the end of february temperatures begin to rise and spring is in full swing before april... can't wait!
my company had a "thank you party" for a great semester, over and done with. that's me with my two spic partners in crime at the office (left: tracy the panamanian, right: silvia la cubanita). it was a fun fun dinner in a western chinese food restaurant with a billion beers, kung-fu fighters, snake dancers, and roasted lamb.
in other news ross will be going back to the u.s. for a few days!!! he leaves beijing for new york on january 28th and gets home to miami on february 4th where he'll spend something like 12 days. while i'm horribly jealous, i'll be in china for my first chinese new years which starts just a few days after my bday. as an added bonus, silvia's friend kristy will arrive here on the 4th and we're all going to make our way to shanghai for a few days. so i'm psyched to get my ass back to shanghai and hopefully get silvia to fall in love with that magical city from the future and get her to move there with ross and i in a year or two :)
Ariel, thank you for taking pics of SilviaElena. I love to read your blog, I do it all the time. We check the weather in San Francisco, Houston, and China. You guys are always the coldest. Vince and Carin win for best weather. Have a great time during the new year celebration. Take care of the girls. Love, Maida
That Cat is exactly what every Cuban dreams of China to be,,,, It looks like a porcelain cat...Outstanding
Your cat looks wonderfull, like its made of brushstrokes. I'm glad you boys had a Shanghai adventure- a colleague of mine (who grew up in NYC) has family in Shanghai and visits there often- her family members are very artistic, intellectually-minded people. It seems like a more appealing place than Beijing.
I completely froze during my first Chicago winter. It sounds odd, but it took that first winter for me to learn how to dress for the weather- a few degrees and layers can make a big difference- know what I mean?
Did you get the horrible postcards I sent? Forgive me, I didn't know what else to do with them :)
We can't wait to see Ross- I can't believe he'll be here in less than a week.
Take care,
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